Creating Intentions for the New Year

Me personally, I love New Year’s Resolutions.

Not a fan…that is fine, I trust that is working for you.

For those that are a yes or maybe to creating resolutions…read on.

Why am I personally a fan?

I live a very reflective life.

I journal everyday, I have a ritual I use each morning before getting out of bed where I set a daily intention for what I want to be, do, have and feel each day. I have a reflective process with my partner around our gratitudes each day and physical touch and connection. Setting an annual intention is just a no-brainer way to aim for what you desire. That way, I can truly focus on what I want to spend my time, my energy, and my money on. The 3 biggest resources we have in life, all focused on the top targets of the year.

I generally don’t speak in terms of goals. Goals feel like black and white. I achieve my goal or I do not. Intentions feel more authentic and honor the ebbs and flows of life. If I set an intention, I hope to hit somewhere in its general vicinity. If a goal is the bullseye on a target, intentions is the whole board, the area around it. You can’t lose, or fail. If you aim even close to the target you are in a better spot.

Each year, I create a vision board for myself. I keep them and look them over every year, I have drawer full. And, this year is no different. You can check out my step-by-step process here.

Vision Board of Year’s Past and My New Ignite Your Life Wellness Model for Women

Living intentionally feels more alive and plugged in. You have direction and aim. I can say a solid “no” to things that do not align with my intentions so that I free up my 3 top resources: Time, Money, Energy, for those things that do align. I can be a solid “YES” to the right things, those things aligning with my intentions. From requests to travel with people in my life, to how I want to spend my weekends, to what contracts I desire to sign, continue and end, to the people I want to enjoy my time with, to educational and training opportunities. All things align to my intentions. And, my intentions act as a compass. I can chart when I have gone off course in my life, when I need to get back on track…all based on the intentions I have set for myself.

Here are a few details on how to create your own:

  1. Spend some time this next week in quiet reflection. Journal. What am I most proud of and accomplished this past year? Any regrets or things that fell off for me? What transformations do I seek in the new year?

  2. Gather supplies: magazines, a stronger paper 11 x 13 or larger, permanent markers, scissors, glue.

  3. Look through the magazines and grab images that resonate with what you want and desire in the next year. Don’t edit. Shop, grab, and tear out.

  4. Look through the pile of images, start to edit, cut out and shape the images onto your board.

  5. What word jumps out at you that would describe the year you are co-creating with the universe: Power, Passion, Play, Freedom, Prosperity, Visibility, Love, Connection…

  6. Place the images and glue them onto the paper with a brush. Brush a layer of glue over them and dry

  7. Embellish with the markers, words and drawings.

  8. Share with another person in your life

  9. Display somewhere you will see each day***this is most important.

I wish you everything you dream of in the next year and beyond.

With Love,

Christie Bemis

Christie is a psychotherapist, a sex educator and relationship coach, an ignite your life mentor, and author.  She co-founded and now owns and operates Hot Pink YOUniversity, solo.  She is a Sex Educator and Relationship Coach, trained in the Somatica® Method of relationships and intimacy building, as well as certified in Level 1 of John Gottman’s work.  Her work ignites women to reconnect with passions, purpose and play.  You can find her coaching, her book, her wisdom cards and her offerings at



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Christie Gause-Bemis